AGM 2019, April 25


Belgium: Geert Peirsman(Tr) – GP
France : Patricia Lamy (President) – PL
Holland: Karel Abbenes (VP) – KA
UK : Phil Dunnington (Secretary general) – PD


Austria, Thomas Herndl
Czech Republic, Petr Kubicek
Denmark : Jan Andersen
Spain: Neus Llado
Switzerland : Balthazar Wicki


Paul Spellward (UK)

  1. Start of the meeting and attending members.

The Assembly started at 3 pm at Cameron Balloons premises in Bristol.

  • 2018 report:

Karel Abbenes presented to EASA and delegates at Aero 2019 in Friedrichaffen what EBF achieved in 5 years with EASA, which is briefly summed up here.

ATO was simplified for Balloons (and gliders, fixed wing and helicopters) to Declared Training Organisation (DTO). Introduction September 2018.

Part Ops (EU 965-2012) was rewritten in Part BOP (Balloon Operations). Introduction April 8th 2019.

Part FCL was rewritten into Part B-FCL, Introduction April 8th 2020 (currently writing AMC and GM).

Ballooning Rule Book introduced and work in progress.

  • Finance report:

Geert Peirsman produced the 20178 Account sheet, which show that EBF finances are balanced and clear are attached to these minutes. EBF finances are very simple and clear: the income is solely composed of membership fees, and the expenses are travel costs (to attend meetings), + website domain and bank fees.

  • Discussion on EBF’s future role

The  creation of the regulations is now practically finished, but many questions raise from members states about the implementation of the law. The board decides that EBF will produce within a few weeks a memorandum about the association’s future role in the next 3 years.

As an example:  there is a serious problem with Part M light: the EC removed part M light ability from the DTOs. This means that all the training organisations cannot have their own maintenance service, they have to go through a Camo. So Part M Light would be for everyone except DTOs. This would result in a more complex situation than in Part M. EBF intend to fight this, together with AOPA, and if necessary speak to DG Move in Brussels.

EBF board is convinced that the implementation of the new regulations can be done reasonably easily in countries where the NAAs are competent and helpful (ex: UK, France..). In other countries it may be more difficult. EBF has asked EASA to produce videos and broadcast them on Youtube, to reach as many balloonists as possible.

PL relays a question from the French Federation, about the renewal of FI/Fes, especially on big balloons, as these balloons fly only 6 months a year, are not insured when they do not fly, so recency is a problem, and also most French Fes are not qualified on big balloons, because instruction in France until now has been mostly on a volunteer basis, as they were no commercial licences they were no commercial instructors. This question is to be raised at next BFCL AMC meeting.

The French Federation also asks is the limit of 70 years old for commercial ballooning can be raised to 75, but this age has already been defined and it is likely that this cannot change. Already commercial pilots can work until 70 (instead of 60 before).

  • Fees question: raised by Denmark.

In 2018, it was voted that EBF should reduce fees after 2019 because there would be less meetings. This time has not come yet, as in particular the work on BFCL AMC and GM has not started yet. EBF also participates in working groups on safety, in the GA TEB, etc.. There are also some representation trips, (for instance Aero 2019) that are quite useful to make EBF heard in the GA community.

But the question raised by Denmark about the fees has been addressed. It is not possible to change the structure of the fees, but the assembly suggested that the Nordic Countries could create an organization (ex: “Nordic Countries Ballooning”) and joins EBf as one member. This way, the 500€ fees could be shared between the countries. The suggestion will be proposed to Jan Andersen, who was excused, so that he can mention it to his Aero-Club, and to the other countries in the region.

  • Votes:

All reports (policy and financial) were approved.


Patricia Lamy, Phil Dunnington and Karel Abbenes were reconducted in their positions as President, Secretary General and Vice President.

The meeting ended at 17:00 and was followed by a dinner in a pub. Then the next morning the Board visited Cameron Balloons factory.


  1. Account report 2018.