Belgium: Philippe de Cock and Yves Lannoy
Denmark: Jan Andersen JA
France: Patricia Lamy (President) – PL
Spain: Neus Llado – NL
UK: Phil Dunnington (Secretary general) – PD
Czech Republic: Petr Kubicek, member
Austria, Thomas Herndl (VP)
Holland: Karel Abbenes (VP) – KA
Belgium: Geert Peirsman
- Start of the meeting and attending members.
The assembly started at 11:00 at Tierode’s VBDCK brewery with a welcome from the president.
- Moral report (2017 report)
Then PL, & PD began by reading and commenting on the 2017 report, detailed on attached power point presentation, explaining what EBF did during the year.
Part OPS:
All set, now all operators must declare their “Commercial Passenger Ballooning” (CPB) activity for April 8th2019. Operators holding an AOC will have an additional period until October 2019. New commercial operators have to be ready by April 2019.
FCL (licenses)
On the GM day, a meeting on FCL was taking place, with Karel Abbenes attending, in Cologne. Then a workshop will take place on June 21st. As EASA do not want to refund EBF’s expenses, except for Paul Spellward, it is decided that PL will call Dominique Roland.
PD comments that we need to keep in mind the question of the medical, which is still not solved.
PL tells the story of Mathieu Decock, Belgian pilot with a French License. He has problem flying commercial in Belgium because France does not print the ratings on licenses, contrary to other countries. PL will write an e-mail to DGAC.
EBF’s future role:
All rules will be included in the “Balloon Book”, so should be easy to implement. EBF will keep following the implementation and explain to members if necessary.
Admission of Switzerland as new Full Member:
Switzerland has expressed the will to join EBF, with Pascal Witprachtiger as representative. The Assembly accepts this membership and welcomes Switzerland into EBF.
Fees question: raised by Denmark.
It is voted that EBF should reduce membership fees after 2019, because there will be less travel to Cologne, but keep the same level of service.
- Finance report:
Jan Andersen produced the 2017 Account sheet, which show that EBF finances are balanced and clear are attached to these minutes. It was decided that there would be no auditing this year, as accounts are very simple.
- Votes:
All reports (policy and financial) were approved.
Philippe de Cock says he will stop being the Belgian representative in 2019, and will be replaced by Gert Peirsman, who was elected Treasurer unanimously (hand vote).
Jan Andersen retired as deputy treasurer and it was decided that there was need for replacement.
Patricia Lamy says that she has been president 4 years and is ready to leave this post in 2019 if someone wants to take the position.
The meeting ended at 12:30 and was followed by a visit of the brewery.