AGM 2024, April 25 (Draft)

In attendance: 8 EBF member countries were present with the representation as below.

Belgium (Yves Lannoy)
Czech Republic (Petr Kubicek)
France (Patricia Lamy) – present for item 1 only
Germany (Benjamin Eimers)
Netherlands (Matijn Hoogeslag – official representative & Karel Abbenes) Sweden (Charlotte Algotsson)
Switzerland (Jaime Oberle- official representative & Balthasar Wicki, René Schoop) United Kingdom (Paul Spellward)
Apologies for absence were sent by Denmark (Jan Andersen)
Apologies for absence were sent by Spain (Neus Llado).
Austria was absent.

The meeting opened at 19.30

  1. Opening remarks
    Patricia Lamy (outgoing President) opened the meeting. Due to personal issues, she asked that the meeting be run by the Vice-President or General Secretary.

    It was noted that the Federation had come through a successful first ten years, which were only possible due to the work of Patricia Lamy, Karel Abbenes and Phil Dunnington. Patrica and Karel are retiring now as their national representatives and also from the Executive Committee of EBF. They were both thanked by everyone present for their great service over so many years and for leaving EBF in a good position for the future.

    Patricia Lamy left the meeting and the chair was taken by Paul Spellward.

  2. Minutes of the 2023 General Assembly (9th May 2023) had been circulated in advance. They were approved by the meeting by unanimous vote of all 7 countries present.

  3. Activity report by EBF in 2023-24. This was presented by Karel Abbenes and Paul Spellward and discussed informally. The report is an appendix to these Minutes.

  4. Finance Report year 2023 had been circulated in advance. It was approved by the meeting by unanimous vote of all 7 countries present. The report is an appendix to these Minutes.

    The membership fee for 2025 was proposed by the EC to remain as 500€. This fee was approved by the meeting by unanimous vote of all 7 countries present.

    It was advised that work is in progress to move the bank account responsibility from Patricia Lamy to Paul Spellward, whilst retaining the same account at Société General in Libourne, France.

  5. Elections to the Executive Committee (Board):
    Note: the Executive Committee comprises four (or more) members who are elected for a two-year term.

    Patricia Lamy and Karel Abbenes have retired as the representatives of their national federation and hence also from the Executive Committee of EBF.

    Jan Andersen (Denmark) and Paul Spellward (United Kingdom) had come to the end of their two-year term of office and therefore have retired from the Executive Committee. They were both willing to continue hence were candidates for re-election.
    Additionally, Yves Lannoy (Belgium) and Martijn Hoogeslag (Netherlands) were proposed as candidates to join the Executive Committee of EBF. Since there were four candidates for the (minimum) four places on the Executive Committee of EBF, they were all declared elected. Hence the membership of the Executive Committee until the 2025 Annual General Meeting is:

    Jan Andersen (Denmark)
    Martijn Hoogeslag (Netherlands) Yves Lannoy (Belgium)
    Paul Spellward (United Kingdom)

    It was proposed that Paul Spellward should be the President of EBF for 2024-25 and this was agreed by the meeting. Other roles will be decided by the Executive Committee at its first meeting.

  6. Changes to Statutes of EBF

    The Executive Committee had identified changes required to the Statutes of EBF. A proposal had been circulated in advance of the meeting and was presented and discussed at the meeting. A formal recorded vote was taken with all 7 countries present voting in favour. This complies with Article 20 paragraph 2 where the necessary number of countries were present (7 out of 11 being more than 51%) and the vote being unanimous.

    The amended Statutes will be registered at the Prefecture as per Article 20 paragraph 4. The action is on Paul Spellward as President, to be aided by Patricia Lamy.

  7. Any other business

    Benjamin Eimers extended an invitation to all national representatives of EFB members to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Gordon Bennett Race, to be held in Munster, DE, on 12th September 2024. Interested persons should contact him directly.

The Meeting closed at 21.00.