In attendance:
Patricia Lamy (PL)
Karel Abbenes (KA)
Jan Andersen (JA)
Paul Spellward (PS)
Succession Planning:
It was reported that France may have identified a new representative to EBF and similarly NL. Meanwhile, the opportunity to motivate existing EBF representatives to join the Board via them being present at the Saint Emilion meeting was lost as the event was cancelled due to weather. Paul will consult possible Board members through other routes.
FINANCE /Bank account
All fees have been collected for 2023.
EBF is registered as a French association, as there is apparently no way to register it as a European association. Since the creation, the President is in France and the account in a French bank. With a change of President, and potentially the President in another country, we need to find a solution which does not depend on specific people. The issue remains open.
Karel reported that EGU has no solution other than to keep the account in the name of their chairman.
EASA interactions and meetings (update)
In preparation for the EASA meeting (Karel and Paul will attend) on 6-7 November, EBF Board confirmed the following policies:
- Removal of Age 70 limit for pilots flying for Commercial Passenger Ballooning (CPB)
- Introduction of Pilot Medical Declaration for non CPB flying – this is a proposal already being put to EASA by EAS which we will support.
- BFCL/BOP changes already agreed by the Board (document dated 1st Jan 2022)
Items from list of suggestions collected through EBF submission process need to be collated for next meeting for clear approval by the Board or not.
EBF information on Training Courses
The webpage is running since July. There are no new submissions from DTOs. Italian DTOs are not being advertised because Italy is not a member of EBF. [We asked key people in Italy if there is any possibility Italy could join and it seems not, due to intractable politics there] [this policy decision on a 2:2 vote with casting vote of the President against promoting Italian DTOs]
Next meetings of EC
31st January, 19h30 by Zoom 21st March, 19hy30 by Zoom
25th April, 19h30 by Zoom.