EBF was deeply involved in preparing the draft version of Part Balloon Flight Crew Licensing that has now gone to the EASA Committee for consideration and a vote at its October 2019 meeting. EBF supports the final version as the best achievable outcome for ballooning. After October, the Implementing Rules (IR) will be published. This may however be as late as December. The Implementation Date remains planned for 8th April 2020, with an transition period of one year during which national licences are still valid.
EASA and EBF are working on AMC (acceptable means of compliance) and GM (guidance materials). Work has continued over the Summer and the final draft is expected in September for our review and comments. These documents must be finalised before April 2020.
This is the situation as per today and could change if EASA or the EASA Committee or Member States (MS) see a need to change the dates.
If you require any further info contact EBF at kaa@ballooning-federation.eu