On September 14th EASA published the AMC and GM (Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material) for the Declared Training Organisation DTO.
As you will remember EASA had planned to have the Training of balloon pilots in the Approved Training Organisation (ATO). We as the European Ballooning Federation have together with others objected to the complexity of the ATO for ballooning. We have been part of a working group on behalf of all balloonists to symplify the training organisation. We have been succesful in writing the Declared Training Organiosation (DTO) We now have a Europe wide less complex system as compared to the ATO but in some countries still more complex that you have today.
The rules of the DTO can be found under: https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/Annex%20I%20to%20ED%20Decision%202018-009-R%20%28AMC%20%26%20GM%20to%20Part-DTO%29%20.pdf
You can also find the introduction of EASA to the new DTO structure under: https://www.easa.europa.eu/node/46126
If you have any questions pls contact EBF.